The Shift is a transformative, immersive weekend experience that we host once every few months.

At each Shift weekend, a small group of women come together with the intention of diving deeply into themselves to examine more clearly what's going on in their lives, connect to each other and eradicate limiting beliefs so they can live in their fullest potential and better serve the world.

It is a weekend to process emotional blocks, heal and forgive the past, release insecurities, shame, guilt, judgement and resentment, overcome indecision, practice true vulnerability, connect to your inner child, transform your relationships and create an inspiring future.

It is a weekend to form lifelong friendships.

It is a weekend to remember who you really are.

It is a weekend to become the change you wish to see in the world.

We work with every participant individually in a group setting. Over the course of the weekend, each participant will experience mindset shifts, breakthroughs in perspective, physical releases of stagnant energy in the body and will gain a new, more empowering view of what is possible for her life.

To facilitate this transformation, we utilize cognitive coaching, breath-work, kundalini yoga, herbal medicine, inner child work, mirror work, creative therapy, holistic healing techniques and guided meditations (no previous experience in any of these techniques is necessary).

It is a weekend for any woman who is ready to step into her greatness, ready to release whatever is suppressing her fullest expression and ready to take a good hard look at what is possible for her and her world.